Gallery Jocelyn Wolff is very happy to welcome Julius Popp for his first solo
show. This exhibit inaugurates invitations #, a series of exhibitions that assert
the prospective dimension of the gallery’s work.
Julius Popp’s work has received numerous international distinctions. His
interdisciplinary projects are not only recognized in the art world but also in the
field of scientific research. Presently, MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory as well as the Fraunhofer Institut in Bonn are studying
Julius Popp’s realizations in the laboratory: he developed, as a part of his artistic
work, robots that introduced new forms of artificial intelligence.
Julius Popp uses technology as a means to separate and objectify natural, social,
and cultural processes and cognitive structures. Exploring and inventing a formal
and functional language in order to express his artistic preoccupations leads
Julius Popp to develop machines and robots capable of interacting with their
environment and even develop a form of artificial consciousness.
At the intersection between art and science, the works of Julius Popp enlarge
and redefine the notion of interactivity.
The gallery will present micro.eva and micro.adam, two robots capable of
generating an awareness of their own movements, as well as new projects and
prototypes developed by Julius Popp.
Julius Popp was born in 1973 in Nürnberg. He studied at Hochschule für Grafik und
Buchkunst in Leipzig (Meisterschüler Astrid Klein). He received numerous international
awards including the Künstföderpreis der Stadtwerke Halle und Leipzig 2002, the Robot
Choice Award 2003, and he was nominated for the Inspire-award 2004. In 2OO4, he
notably exhibited at Artexpo in New York and in “Verfahren im Raum” at Kunstraum B2 in
Julius Popp 的作品在国际上获得诸多赞誉。他的跨学科项目不仅在艺术上获得认可,在科学研究领域亦是如此。如今, MIT 的计算机科学与人工智能实验室,以及波恩的 Fraunhofer 研究院均在实验室中研究 Julius Popp 的作品的现实化意义。作为其艺术作品的一部分,艺术家研发具备新型人工智能的机器人。
Julius Popp 将科技作为分离与具体化自然、社会、文化过程以及认知结构的手段。 Julius Popp 探索并发明形式与实用语言,以此表达对于艺术的专注,艺术家为此研制可以与周围环境互动,甚至可形成某种人工意识的机器和机器人。 Julius Popp 的作品融汇艺术与科学,拓宽并重新定义了互动概念
资料来源: galeriewolff.com
从早年YBA(Young British Artists)艺术家Damien Hirst 后现代的艺术已经渗透到各个领域,艺术已经发展为联系各个领域之间的一种表现形式。利用 科技的魔力,Julius Popp 的 Bitfall 以真实瀑布的形式,再现媒体信息的 “ 泛滥 ” 。Popp 的作品由 128 个喷嘴组成,作品中的水帘由水滴的连续流集结而成。透过由电脑控制的电磁阀复杂系统引导水流,雾状液体形成的文字与图形由互联网中随意挑选而来,形成自制浆状屏幕。随着每一信息滴落收集箱内并重新进行循环,艺术家借此隐喻 “ 真实 ” 感知流动的暂时性,德国人的作品总是透露着技术的残酷性。